Exceptional PA Announcing Services.

A revolutionary solution to address the challenges high schools face with game-day audio. We understand that limited access to talented PA Announcers and their inability to be in multiple places simultaneously can hamper the delivery of a top-notch, professional game day experience. With our Virtual Announcer, you can now provide exceptional PA announcing services that go beyond the constraints of season, sport, level, gender, or time.
Leveraging Mic'dUp's extensive expertise in enhancing gameday experiences, we not only offer impeccable PA services but also manage the entire process for you. Say good bye to the stress, concern, and time-consuming task of locating and verifying PA announcers. Ou r innovative solution ensures that high schools can offer a high-quality, high- class, and professional game, regardless of any limitations and announcer availability.
Athletic Department provides all advertisements, speciality announcements, athletic calendar of events, and rosters for all sports.
Announcer Selection
Athletic Departments selects PA Announcer from the Mic'd Up Network line up of announcers. Once announcer is selected the announcer will begin with recording of all advertisement and announcements for playback to Athletic Department approval.
The Mic'd Up Announcer will record all student athletes names for all anticipated events. Athletic department has up til 48 hours before a selected event to make any additions. We ask the athletic department to submit visiting rosters at least 72 hours prior to the event, however, Mic'd Up staff will request from opossing school if not recieved.
The sound recording for the game is delivered to the athletic department along with a game script for the game for review 48 hours prior to the selected gameday if applicable.
Athletic Department provides a high quality professional audio experience to the student body, student athlete and community regardless of level, gender, popularity of athletic event.